Monday, June 8, 2009

1 Week Down!

1 Week Down and probably 5 pounds as well :( Still sick but I'm quite busy so that helps distract me. Do not worry but I got hit by a car! It is funny because it wasn't serious and I was being naive about cars stopping just for me! I specifically didn't tell my mom about this site so she wouldn't see postings such as this.

Yesterday we met with some trafficked children at a cultural meeting. All interviews so far have been conducted in privacy with Jamils (Director of Programs). I have asked individual victims who are of age if they give permission to be in photographs. They have all said yes but I am still asking Jamils what is culturally responsible and what is not.

I was fortunate enough to see some cultural dancing some of the youth were performing. They are practicing for the arrival of the Minister of Social Affairs from Yaounde. We have a group of 5 Americans coming today from California. They are filming a documentary on child trafficking (specifically sex trafficking). We have hopefully between 10-15 trafficked victims coming to testify. It is experiences such as this which are not only educational for my research but essential for creating awareness of child trafficking in the North West Region of Cameroon.

P.S. I watched the qualifying soccer match for the world cup with Cameroon. It was 0-0 but not all is lost according to the locals here :)

XOXO from Bamenda


  1. Just a quick hi from a fellow volunteer in Bamenda. There's a group of us mostly VSO volunteers but some Kiva and independants who meet up every Friday night.

    Please come and join us if you're around - we make sure everyone gets home safely. see link below for more details.


  2. Watch out for cars!!!!!!!

  3. Hello!
    I am very interested in knowing what is going on in Cameroon regarding your work on the ground. Could you please! be in touch with me as soon as possible. I will provide you with details if you email me at:

